Janice Comfort Walsh, 90, Pearl Buck's daughter
2016-03-27 | 信息来源: | 原作者: | 查看:520
摘要: 中国的古代诗歌题材,一向以中原文明及其周边地区的素材为主。近代以来,中国突然发现自己必须面临三千年未有之大变局。外面的那个陌生新世界,对古老的华夏文明从政治、经济和科技等几乎所有领域都发起了剧烈冲击。即使是在最为坚固的文化壁垒上,亦开始有了稍稍的撬动。
Harris' footnote here gives a rare glimpse of his social philosophy, which was for him a matter of deeply committed practice and not a merely theoretical espousal: "The pitting of one linguistic tool against another has in it something of the absolutist postwar temper of social institutions, but is not required by the character and range of these tools of analysis." It is entirely in keeping with his views, for example, that he did not seek to impose them upon others. The absolutism Harris mentions here is also seen in the recurring demand for `the' `correct' grammar of `the' language. An early instance of this is the controversy over non-uniqueness in phonology, alluded to earlier, and Householder's famous (and oversimplifying) dichotimization of `God's Truth' linguists vs. `hocus-pocus' linguists (see Hymes & Fought 1981:150- 151). Harris admitted different, non-unique descriptions by application of alternative distributional procedures, so long as, given the primitive contrasts, "the defining of the elements and the stating of the relations among them be based on distribution, and be unambiguous, consistent and subject to check" (1951a:9). "In any case, there is no harm in all this non-uniqueness, since each system can be mapped onto the others, so long as any special conditions are explicit and measurable" (1954:5; Harris [1951a:32] gives an earlier formulation). The notion that there is some sort of harm in non-uniqueness reflects a conception that because the ideal of science is to give a "correct" description eventually, failure to find "the correct" description at every stage constitutes failure to be scientific. Hymes & Fought (1981:148- 149) identify this character in Trager's insistance that one start with phonetic data and proceed in rigid, stepwise fashion, never mixing levels, in contrast with Harris' much more flexible (though no less rigorous) approach. 31 Harris' footnote here reads: Because of the mass of idiomatic and quasi-idiomatic expressions in language, each type of description has to treat of various special small categories of words, and in some cases even of unique words. But in the case of string and transformational analyses, and less adequately in the case of constituent analysis, the statements for aberrant and idiomatic material can be made in the terms of the given description (constituent, string, or transformation) or in limited extension or weakenings of the rules of that description. In these analyses, the treatment of difficult material does not require us to go completely outside the terms of the given description into the terms of another or into the metalanguage. In the elided text is a slightly different statement of the footnoted passage: "Each of these properties can be used as the basis for a description of the whole language because the effects of the other properties can be brought in as restrictions on the chosen property". In this formulation, the import of added restrictions is emphasized. 32 Contrast this with the long-running controversies over the generative capacity of one or another formal metalanguage, construed as systems of generative rules for language.
how a Chinese poem is translated
Winding Up
by Derek Walcott
I live on the water,by Derek Walcott
alone. Without wife and children,
I have circled every possibility
to come to this:
a low house by grey water,
with windows always open
to the stale sea. We do not choose such things,
but we are what we have made.
We suffer, the years pass,
we shed freight but not our need
for encumbrances. Love is a stone
that settled on the sea-bed
under grey water. Now, I require nothing
from poetry but true feeling,
no pity, no fame, no healing. Silent wife,
we can sit watching grey water,
and in a life awash
with mediocrity and trash
live rock-like.
I shall unlearn feeling,
unlearn my gift. That is greater
and harder than what passes there for life.
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张千帆VS张维为:西方民主还是中国模式? by 宋鲁郑
From http://songluzheng.bokerb.com/633505
张千帆教授选择《中国震撼》做为双方观点交锋的切入点,确实显示了学者的眼光:中国国家主席习近平阅读此书之后,就把它推荐给了世界银行前行长罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)等人物;2012年6月20日,英国牛津大学中国中心为张维为教授的《中国震撼》一书举行了专场研讨会;此书曾荣膺《光明日报》2011年度光明书榜十大图书、《中外书摘》2011年度十大好书、新闻出版总署全民阅读办2011年度大众喜爱的50种书·文化类、河北省阅读办2011年度十大好书等好评,而且早已译成英文,成为西方主流学者研究和引用的对象。西方主流媒体如BBC、纽约时报也多次采访。
张千帆教授选择《中国震撼》做为双方观点交锋的切入点,确实显示了学者的眼光:中国国家主席习近平阅读此书之后,就把它推荐给了世界银行前行长罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)等人物;2012年6月20日,英国牛津大学中国中心为张维为教授的《中国震撼》一书举行了专场研讨会;此书曾荣膺《光明日报》2011年度光明书榜十大图书、《中外书摘》2011年度十大好书、新闻出版总署全民阅读办2011年度大众喜爱的50种书·文化类、河北省阅读办2011年度十大好书等好评,而且早已译成英文,成为西方主流学者研究和引用的对象。西方主流媒体如BBC、纽约时报也多次采访。
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