

然后读了《北妹》,盛可以的处女长篇,没有《水乳》老道,但是比《水乳》丰富,我更喜欢。《北妹》讲述一个湖南大波少女来到深圳,干过各种工作,每种工作 都是受欺诈,遇过各种男人,每个男人都色狼。奋斗一圈回到起点,一样没有钱,没有家,没有爱,没有希望,不同是奶大到成了累赘,失去灵气,仿佛失去乳头, 只剩下十斤死肉。





[ i can't stop my tears to think back of my years with fear that i am dear to nobody but my own ideas...] 


In a beautiful green valley
where wild flowers grow
comes the first blanket of winter's snow
The clouds up above float luxuriously by
as I lay and stare at the wondrous sky
I can hear the wind whisper thru the trees
and smell the crisp air in the gentle breeze
I can not touch or feel
The feeling is slightly surreal.
I cast my eyes down
to see what lays ahead
It is then that I realize that i am dead.

My body is draped in a long black dress
My skin is absolutely colourless
It's a frightening feeling I must confess
I can hear the priest saying a few kind words
And in the background the beautiful harmony of words
Sniffles and sobs reach my ears
I guess I didn't make it to my golden years
My eyes survey the group gathered round
It is then when I see my only boy
And my love for him shines with so much joy
Suddenly a sadness fills me where once I was glad
As I realize I will never again kiss that sweet lad.

He is saying goodbye
and so I must too
but i just don't know if I have the strength to do
A soft voice calls me from above
'Come home my child', it says with love
'Come home and be free, come and live with me'
I yearn to drift into that heavenly grace
But I can't bear the look of my dear child's lonely face
I drift just a little above
And turn to look back with sadness and love.

Be good my son, be happy and carefree
Don't cry or remain sad, think of me and be glad.
I will be waiting for you at heaven's gate
There i will sit and patiently wait
And when your work here is done
I will welcome you home
Then you and I will never be alone
I know that he can't hear the words in my head
For I am really and truly dead
A gentle hand touches my arm
I know it is time to let go
And so I walk toward the heavenly glow
Leaving no footprints in the brand new snow. 


The other side of water way 在水一方


绿草苍苍 白雾茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方
绿草萋萋 白雾迷离
有位佳人 靠水而居
我愿逆流而上 依偎在她身旁
无奈前有险滩 道路又远又长
我愿顺流而下 找寻她的方向
却见依稀仿佛 她在水的中央
我愿逆流而上 与她轻言细语
无奈前有险滩 道路曲折无已
我愿顺流而下 找寻她的足迹
却见仿佛依稀 她在水中伫立
绿草苍苍 白雾茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方.

Personal happiness and survival of any political association will always be at odds with one another.  Such is life.




So I discovered a copy of my Tsinghua Univ. transcript for my B.S study in 1984- 1989.  and my  高考入学 score total 550.  According to my brother,  full score for biology was only 50. ( he saved my injured self-esteem for I couldn't fathom that I only scored 44 out of 100).   The maths full mark was 110+10.  But according to what others believed, it was the most difficult exam.


Li Bai



Ume Blossoms in the Snow

Comparative Reading of Chinese Classic Poem
 Thanks to Crystal Tsai's introduction from her Kindle Edition
 " A Poetical Portal to Chinese Culture"

雪梅 Ume Blossoms in the Snow 

Ume blossoms fight snow while delaying falling to wait for spring.
To judge which side wins, the poet takes a break from writing.
Ume blossoms are 30 percent less white than snow
But snow loses for lacking the fragrance ume blossoms are emitting. 

My own rendition:

 Ume blossoms on snow covered branches
   yearn to be favored by the coming and going season
Idling scholars put away their pens
   meditating on the life and death of winter blossoms
Ume ought not to subject itself to harsh winter snow
Yet snow is totally crushed by Ume's fleeting scent.

One Teacher's commentary:


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