
The other side of water way 在水一方


绿草苍苍 白雾茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方
绿草萋萋 白雾迷离
有位佳人 靠水而居
我愿逆流而上 依偎在她身旁
无奈前有险滩 道路又远又长
我愿顺流而下 找寻她的方向
却见依稀仿佛 她在水的中央
我愿逆流而上 与她轻言细语
无奈前有险滩 道路曲折无已
我愿顺流而下 找寻她的足迹
却见仿佛依稀 她在水中伫立
绿草苍苍 白雾茫茫
有位佳人 在水一方.

Personal happiness and survival of any political association will always be at odds with one another.  Such is life.




So I discovered a copy of my Tsinghua Univ. transcript for my B.S study in 1984- 1989.  and my  高考入学 score total 550.  According to my brother,  full score for biology was only 50. ( he saved my injured self-esteem for I couldn't fathom that I only scored 44 out of 100).   The maths full mark was 110+10.  But according to what others believed, it was the most difficult exam.