

送交者: 王守仁[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2019-01-22 19:23 已读 11565 次 2 赞
送交者: 包大廳[☆知兵非好战☆] 于 2019-01-22 5:43 已读 806 次 1 赞  大字阅读 
张首晟到底是怎么死的?真像扑朔迷离。有人说是是中共特工怕张首晟被捕泄密,下手将其杀害。王建都可以杀害,何况张首晟呢。有人说是美国特工怕张首晟将太多机密泄漏给共产党,将他暗杀。等等各种猜测都有。6parker.com 如果是中共特工海外行动小组下的手,郭媒体早就闹翻天了。要知道王岐山派人远在法国干掉王建,郭媒体都密集派遣密探组织侦探调查,并在国际上制造巨大声浪,让王岐山到现在都脱不了干系。要是中共在美国动手,以郭媒体在国内特工界的密如蛛网的情报来源,郭媒体早就将此案搞个兜底翻了。但与王建案不同的是,这次郭媒体对张首晟案一声不发,完全置身事外,这说明张首晟之死确实不是中共派人来动手的。郭媒体也不想坏了别人的事。6parker.com
经过包通社调查,张首晟确实是自杀身亡。但是这个自杀身亡和大家想象的自杀完全不一样。联邦密探早就知道他在为中共服务,故意让张首晟知道他已经处在FBI的调查之中。让他生活在恐惧之中,不敢再泄密,让张首晟以为自己的一举一动都在密探的监视之中,所有的电子数码足迹全部被记录排查。这就让张教授如惊弓之鸟,无法过正常生活。这是FBI 惯用的手段之一,让被监视者知道自己被监视。一则可以让嫌犯自乱阵脚露出更多破绽,二则可以心理上打击嫌犯,便于将来审讯中让嫌犯心理崩溃。三则让嫌犯出于担心,自动停止泄密或其他当前密探还无法侦测的危害国家安全的行为,减少进一步的损失。正是这种战术扰乱了张首晟的心理防线。他本来就不是间谍,根本受不了这种骚扰。所以神情恍惚茶饭不思。家人由此判断他是得了忧郁症,其实就是联邦密探的战术起了作用。6parker.com 张首晟是一个受人尊敬的科学家,在国际上和校园里都享有极高的地位,身上神圣的光环万人敬仰。习惯于这样地位的人,突然间要变成犯罪嫌犯,心理反差之大可以想象。要是真的变成罪犯,那真的就是生不如死,情愿跳楼了。联邦密探在对张首晟的观察中,完全了解了张首晟的心态,也不愿意真的让令人尊敬的张首晟教授沦为阶下囚,所以有意对张教授网开一面。6park 但是深入的调查证明,他不但将丹华公司窃取的有关能源,AI和军事有关的技术传回大陆,还可能准备把量子自旋霍尔效应芯片的技术研究方向文件,全盘交给了华为。接下来就要和华为进行实质性的商业化产品研究,立刻进行制止和逮捕已经刻不容缓。6parker.com 孟晚舟,任正非和张首晟计划在十二月初在南美某地密会,联邦密探必须立刻抓捕以避免国家遭受进一步的损失。接到中共高层线报的FBI在华盛顿胡佛大厦的总部发出了行动命令,立刻通知加拿大在温哥华抓捕在此转机的孟晚舟,狡猾的任正非因选择另一条线路躲过了落网的下常但是在美国境内接受监控的张首晟自然就是瓮中之鳖了。6parker.com 华盛顿总部星夜派出负责张教授专案的高级干探Joe Campo和他的助手Sue Thomas亲自专机直飞旧金山。鉴于案情严重,FBI旧金山Field Office现场办公厅从Concord 和Fortuna 两个分局调来了四辆冲锋车和四支全副武装的行动组直奔旧金山第一大道425号张教授的行宫,这是一座高档的海景公寓楼,张教授平时就在十九楼的一个海景公寓活动。6parker.com 之前说过,虽然张教授误入歧途,但联邦对张教授尊敬有加,实在不愿让张教授成为阶下囚,愿意给张教授一个自己选择的机会。所以现场执行抓捕的坚保密探否决了武装行动组人员破门而入的方式,而是让行动组低调看住四周防止张教授可能的潜逃可能,自己带领一个助手前往张教授的公寓,执行上峰更隐秘处理方式。6parker.com 敲开张教授的房间之后,坚保干探亮出了FBI 牌徽,告知将以间谍罪逮捕他,并告诉张教授控方证据确凿,张教授很难在审讯过程中脱罪,罪成将在狱中度过余生。于此同时为进一步粉碎张教授的心防,坚保告知张教授不必再想着去南美了,孟晚舟已经在温哥华落网!6parker.com 本来心理已经接近崩溃的张教授,哪里受得了这个惊吓和打击。顿时如五雷轰顶,世界末日来临。探员暗示性地告诉张首晟教授说,给你十分钟时间,整理一下,我们会回来将你带走,临出去时,坚保干探环视一下从张教授豪华Apartment宽敞的客厅落地窗和阳台看出去的旧金山湾区的无敌海景,城市的天际线延伸到美丽的海湾,地上看美丽壮观的Bay Bridge从张教授高层的客厅看下去略显渺小,美妙的海湾景色在远方和蓝天白云融为一体。坚保干探意味深长地说了一句,"spectacular views”,随即和助手掩门而出,到楼下个出口处把守。6parker.com 张教授知道最担心的最后的时刻终于来了,宁愿死也不能成为阶下囚。正如联邦密探估计的那样,张首晟教授绝望地走向十九楼的阳台,和壮美的蓝天融为一体,当场玉碎。6parker.com 执法的联邦探员们见事情已经结束,遂打电话给旧金山当地警察局让其跟进随后的处理,然后悄悄收队离去,留下许多不胜叹息。6parker.com 一代才子,因中共的纠缠诱惑,就这样英年早逝,死于非命,真是令人无限惋惜。6parker.com
贴主:王守仁于2019_01_23 15:15:16编辑



清华1984  301三剑客 外加一格格: 1989-1991  实习回忆点滴

我有一张发黄的集体照,跟着我兜游世界。话说一九八九年形势大好(亦或是有点乱 之前),我和同班同学付长青 作为保留研究生资格的'散兵' 被分派到三〇一医院的计算中心实习两年。照片中,一同被分派的还有陈向军、李广春(自动化系)、金颂(无线电)、付长青和我(工物)。 无影无踪的还有 刘洪波(计算机系83) 赵芳启。  当年,我们学生'' 在计算机中心主任 任连仲 他带领下的军届技术人员打成一片。这军民关系不比上海解决战争我母亲作学生兵的时候差!当时的我 一头扎进 军级长官 王桂雁 交授的  厚厚一本图像处理识别的Fortran library 手册。My closest ally in our sub-unit was 陈向军, 个高人帅,北京人,最受军属大姐们的青睐。每月给他介绍女朋友的人选大约不下一整排的编制。因为我已在清华男友们的围歼下,不敢对他再起多心。所以我们纯同事的友情更提高了我作为异性的参谋价值! 

 我和陈向军的联手任务是探索是否能把西门子公司的图像处理器程序移值到PC上使用。至今,我个人以为 我所属的科研小组的儀器設備在当年的国内是最大拿、最先进的。德国产西门子公司的这台图像处理系统,前端可联顯微鏡。医务人员的切片可直接做输入,然后我们用图像处理程序庫进行分析。

I am most impressed with automatic chromosome analysis. And it is the most popular 'job/task' to schedule for machine time/usage among a waiting list of many graduate medical students.   In the back end, there's a LOT of mathematical routines written in Fortran language and a concurrent array processing hardware unit.  I believe we also had quite advanced statistical packages to treat sampling/control groups.  

在我的同期实习生中,金颂 应该算是最有特性的人物了。
Among my fellow interns, 金颂 was a real character.  He was quite good at programming in C and other computing challenges, such as how wide he can open his mouth and how high and deep within his voice, the sound from his 声带 can penetrate listener's ear drumI was unfortunately at the receiving end of his 'world' class tenor high -C in shortest range.  I also learned that his full name was 爱新觉罗.启颂.  I am not sure if that was the reason when he fell in love with a doctor from 高干病房,he was having trouble to get approval from the working unit of hers. But in the end, his sweetheart's working unit relented and blessed their union as permissible by marriage act under law. For a while, I had the fortune to be named as 迁线人, but in fact, I had no idea until after the 'official' blessing.  我自己也和清华学长在他出国前 1990 匆匆登记结婚。1992 H-4 身份到美国的Anchorage, Alaska. I was quite amiss of our 301 intern team's common good old days of single mingling, hard work and great play in a somewhat free and protective shield welded by our superiors in Beijing. In Alaska, I volunteered in the providence hospital two days a week under guidance of a Taiwanese radiologist, Dr. Cheung.  My life in Russia's back yard Anchorage Alaska, 此乃后话,有空另作文章。

在三〇一实习期间,我的终身遗憾是没有抓住唯一的一次 "俯首甘為孺子牛" 的良机。任连仲主任对我们清华的实习生甚是呵護。我们也以室为家,任务紧常加班加点,作息时间表比正规军更有弹性。一次我晚了一个时辰,看见楼里有戴白手套的警卫。一直待修的电梯也运转开了。正著麼着,组里的田晓玲说:晚了吧?你刚错过了小平同志的大駕光臨。我当时倒不再意,只是心想不知道哪位清兵多占了我的福份。多年后我发觉无论我如何尽心尽意完成指派的任务,工作的结局多滯留在"横眉冷对千夫指"的水平,这怕也是冥冥之中自有安排的运道。


January 10th, 2019
S. Ye at West Trenton, NJ USA
" Trenton makes, world takes, on my watch"

Fwd: Justices Take 8 New Cases, But Put Off Blockbusters | Confronting 'Political Questions' | RBG Remembers Pat Wald

Editor emeritus on translation:  S. Ye
胜过星吧客 - 不寻常的诗界
Owner/Freelancer @ Laird Unlimited Editorial LLP

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From: NLJ's Supreme Court Brief <lawcom@alm.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 7:01 AM
Subject: Justices Take 8 New Cases, But Put Off Blockbusters | Confronting 'Political Questions' | RBG Remembers Pat Wald
To: <nunia@sdf.org>

National Law Journal
Supreme Court Brief
Powered By Law.com
Tony Mauro
Marcia Coyle
Jan 14, 2019
The justices this morning start the second week of the January argument session, no doubt with an eye on their beckoning long February break. On Friday, they added eight cases to the docket—but none included closely watched disputes involving LGBT workplace rights, transgender troops and DACA. We highlight the lawyers, including some veteran high court advocates, who likely will get to the lectern in those new cases. We also offer a brief look at a long-running tort fight that has reached the high court by injured military members hoping to overcome the "political question" doctrine. Thanks for reading Supreme Court Brief. We welcome comments and tips at tmauro@alm.com and mcoyle@alm.com.
Justices Pick 8 Cases, But Put Off Blockbusters
As of Friday, the court has 19 unscheduled arguments on its docket. And if the justices keep their recent pattern of only two cases per day per two-week argument session, that leaves room for three more grants to fill the final April calendar—the final argument cycle of the term.

But, of course, the justices can do whatever they choose to do. They could schedule afternoon arguments, or could expedite briefing for late-granted cases. Whether this coming Friday's conference is the informal cutoff for grants to be heard this term only time will tell.

Here is a quick look at the latest grants and the lawyers who filed and opposed the petitions, and who may end up arguing the cases. The court granted two cases brought by former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal (above).

Also on the roster is Raffi Melkonian, a pillar of the #AppellateTwitter movement, and Wisconsin solicitor general Misha Tseytlin, who is unlikely to argue. His position was abolished as part of the state's partisan squabbling last fall, and his name no longer appears in the state's Justice Department website. Tseytlin was counsel of record on the state's December 5 brief in opposition, but Daniel Lennington, a senior counsel in the Wisconsin Department of Justice, is now listed as counsel of record on the court's docket.

>> Quarles v. United States
Does generic burglary in the Armed Career Criminal Act require "an intent-at-entry" element or is it enough that intent to commit a crime was formed while "remaining in" the building? For petitioner: Jeremy Marwell, Vinson & Elkins, Washington, D.C. For respondent: U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco.

>> Rehaif v. United States
When prosecuting an undocumented alien for possession of a firearm and ammunition, must the government prove that the defendant not only knowingly possessed a firearm but also knew he was unlawfully in the United States? For petitioner: Assistant Federal Defender Robert Godfrey of Orlando, Florida. For respondent: U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco.

>> Parker Drilling Management Services v. Newton
Do California wage-and-hour laws apply to claims by workers on drilling platforms on the outer continental shelf even though the federal Fair Labor Standards Act provides a comprehensive set of federal rights and remedies? For petitioner: Paul Clement, Kirkland & Ellis, Washington, D.C. For respondent: Michael Strauss, Strauss & Strauss, Ventura, California.

>> North Carolina Dept. of Revenue v. Kaestner Family Trust
Does the due process clause prohibit states from taxing trusts based on trust beneficiaries' in-state residency? For petitioner: North Carolina Solicitor General Matthew Sawchak. For respondent: Thomas Myrick, Moore & Van Allen, Charlotte, North Carolina.

>> Food Marketing Institute v. Argus Leader Media
A rare Freedom of Information Act case that could end circuit splits over the meaning of the statute's Exemption 4, which protects from disclosure all "confidential" private-sector "commercial or financial information" within the government's possession. The case has drawn considerable amicus support at the cert stage, including a Chamber of Commerce brief filed by John Elwood of Vinson & Elkins, and Adam Unikowsky of Jenner & Block for the Retail Litigation Center. For plaintiff: Gavin Villareal, Baker Botts, Austin, Texas. For respondent: Robert Loeb of Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Washington, D.C.

>> McDonough v. Smith
In the case of Edward McDonough, a former election official from New York, the case may resolve when the statute of limitations begins to run for a Section 1983 civil rights claim based on fabrication of evidence in criminal proceedings. For plaintiff: Neal Katyal, Hogan Lovells, Washington, D.C. For respondent: Thomas O'Connor, Napierski, VanDenburgh, Napierski & O'Connor, Albany, New York.

>> Fort Bend County, Texas v. Davis
Whether the requirement in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for employment discrimination claimants to first exhaust claims with the EEOC is a jurisdictional prerequisite or a waivable claim-processing rule. For plaintiff: Neal Katyal of Hogan Lovells. For respondent: Raffi Melkonian of Wright Close & Barger, Houston, Texas.

>> Mitchell v. Wisconsin
A test of the constitutionality of a Wisconsin law allowing law-enforcement officials to draw blood from unconscious drivers without a warrant. For plaintiff: Thomas Aquino, office of Wisconsin public defender, Madison, Wisconsin. For respondent: Daniel Lennington of the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
Pitching Apolitical Case on Political Questions
If the justices are trying to keep the term as apolitical as possible, Stephen Vladeck of the University of Texas School of Law says he has a petition that they should find attractive, particularly to the newest justice, Brett Kavanaugh.

Vladeck has been working with Baltimore's Susan Burke, counsel of record, in Metzgar v. KBR Inc., which stems from the long-running fight to hold KBR liable for service members' injuries and deaths allegedly caused by the military contractor's disposal of toxic materials through open air "burn pits" in Iraq and Afghanistan. A team from Motley Rice is also counsel for the petitioners, who are U.S. military personnel, their families, and others.

Burke has been litigating a series of state-law tort claims since 2008 which the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has consolidated for purposes of pre-trial proceedings and transferred to the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in the Metzgar case, and four other circuits, have applied the political question doctrine to hold that these claims are not justiciable.

"One of things I admired by then-Judge Kavanaugh was how candid he has been about the disparity between how lower courts and the Supreme Court apply the political question doctrine," Vladeck said. "My hope is this is the kind of case that just not appeals to him, but that the court sees as a pretty important constitutional issue that's not partisan or ideological."

Vladeck said KBR and others argue the more the government relies on contractors, the more courts should be wary about subjecting them to liability. "But the more we are outsourcing military functions to contractors, the more we ought to be thinking about accountability," Vladeck said. "That's a conversation someone ought to have and it hasn't been Congress."

Warren Harris of Houston's Bracewell, representing KBR in the high court, argues that appellate courts agree the political question doctrine bars tort suits challenging professional military judgments.
Supreme Court Headlines: What We're Reading
"In all of her work and days as a lawyer, then judge, she pursued justice with passion—heart, mind and soul. In her lifetime of achievement, she unsparingly devoted her efforts to advancing the health and welfare of humankind," Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said about her former D.C. Circuit colleague Patricia Wald (above), who died Saturday at the age of 90. [NLJ]

"A case to be argued before the United States Supreme Court on Wednesday may decide whether states can prohibit retail wine shops from shipping to consumers in another state." [NYT]

"The current high court—and particularly Chief Justice John Roberts—has generally been wary of Trump-related controversies, deferring involvement when possible and often resolving issues with incremental steps." [Bloomberg]

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's recovery from cancer surgery is "on track," and she will work from home this week, the U.S. Supreme Court says. [NLJ]

How Justice Clarence Thomas picked Atlanta solo Amy Weil for a coveted amicus argument. [NLJ]

Former Covington lawyer and Alex Kozinski clerk Thomas Krause has been named the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office solicitor and deputy general counsel for intellectual property law. [NLJ]
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